The Nature Cure A Doctors Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine


Author: Andreas Michalsen
Year: 2019
Language: English
ISBN 13:
Publisher: Viking
ISBN 10: 0525561277
Pages: 352
File: EPUB
Digital Delivery: Downloadable File

The Nature Cure A Doctors Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine

A thoughtful and compelling case for the power and potential of natural medicine to heal the human body, from bestselling author Dr. Andreas MichalsenSunlight. Forest bathing. Fasting. Cold-water baths. Bloodletting. Leeches. Cupping. These ways of healing have been practiced in different cultures around the world for centuries. But as a cardiologist working with the most high-tech medical tools, Dr. Andreas Michalsen was taught that these practices were medieval and outdated, even dangerous. As he saw surprising results in his patients, however, Dr. Michalsen explored more deeply those seemingly “outdated” methods of healing. The more he researched, the more he was convinced by the power of natural medicine—naturopathy—to heal the human body. Over the past few decades, Dr. Michalsen has published the most cutting-edge scientific research on the efficacy of natural medicine. At the prestigious Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Dr. Michalsen has successfully treated thousands of patients using elements found in nature—sunlight, water, nourishing foods, medicinal plants, and animals. The culmination of years of research and clinical knowledge, The Nature Cure explains how and why naturopathy works. Dr. Michalsen breaks down the science behind natural ways of healing and shows how we can incorporate these methods into our everyday lives to trigger our body’s self-healing mechanism. Thoughtfully written and filled with science, history, case studies, and practical guidance, this illuminating book shares knowledge that has changed the lives of thousands of patients, teaching you what your body needs to heal—without medicine riddled with side effects or invasive procedures. Discover methods of healing that don’t just cover up your symptoms, but address the root cause of illness.


Read It Forward “Books to Help You Cope with Anxiety

“Integration of conventional medicine and naturopathic medicine makes good sense. Dr. Andreas Michalsen believes, as I do, in the healing power of nature. In this informative eBook The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine, he demonstrates the safety and efficacy of time-honored methods of optimizing health and treating illness, including dietary adjustment, applications of heat and cold, the use of natural remedies, fasting, and therapies derived from Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I recommend it to practitioners and patients alike.”
—Andrew Weil, MD, author of Eight Weeks to Optimum Health and Mind Over Meds

“A wonderful resource to guide anyone seeking to improve their health or reverse the suffering from chronic disease. The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine” 
—Terry Wahls, MD, author of The Wahls Protocol

“[Dr. Michalsen] is one of the best doctors of natural medicine I have ever known. His therapies are based on solid scientific and clinical pillars. In the field of therapeutic fasting, his clinic in Berlin is among the most prestigious in the world and is at the forefront of experimentation and implementation of new scientific discoveries on patients with diseases ranging from hypertension, diabetes, cancer, to multiple sclerosis. This is a book that brings us toward a new approach to medicine, a book that is not to be missed The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine.”
—Valter Longo, Ph.D., author of The Longevity Diet

“Here is a clear and straightforward guide to healing like no other in print. Professor Michalsen is a world expert in natural health approaches and now he makes his wisdom available to all. A wonderful book that will help anyone who reads it heal The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine.”
—Wayne B. Jonas, MD, author of How Healing Works        

“Essential reading for anyone interested in living a long and healthy life. Filled with compelling research and gripping stories of his patients, Dr. Michalsen reveals the simple and accessible changes we can make to live well.”
—Dr. Qing Li, author of Forest Bathing

“Dr. Andreas Michalsen has impeccable medical credentials and has been curing thousands upon thousands of patients for more than thirty years. With The Nature Cure, we now all have access to his wisdom on preventing and treating diseases. This scientifically-based and accessible book will help to transform lives as it contains a multitude of actionable recommendations to reverse and prevent multiple diseases.”
—Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., professor, and director of the Integrative Medicine Program at MD Anderson Cancer Center and co-author of Anticancer Living

“Michalsen advocates for and explains the science behind leeching, fasting, meditation, yoga, and vegetarianism. I loved it.”
—New York

“Most people don’t know that water actually can promote healing in other ways besides quenching our thirst. . . . [Michalsen] discusses how we can use the practice of hydrotherapy in our everyday lives, as well as the importance of using water as a healing tool.”

“Raised in a small village in a southern part of Germany by a physician father and grandfather who practiced both conventional and integrative medicine, Dr. Andreas Michalsen was steeped from an early age in the worlds of modern medicine and traditional healing. Now a physician and naturopath in his own right, he brings together the two worlds with rigorous research.”

“The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine is a practical guide to the best of natural medicine [Dr. Michalsen] has practiced and which is established in science. The eBook The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine is a treasure, and endorsed by physicians such as Andrew Weil, Terry Wahls, and Wayne Jonas. . . . The Nature Cure has a prominent space on my bookshelf and will be used often.”
—Desert Health

“Full of science and research, [Dr. Michalsen] returns to the earth and shares how we, too, can use the natural world around us to feel better.”
—Read It Forward

“A professor of clinical complementary medicine at the Charité University Medical Center Berlin explores the power and potential of natural medicine.”
—Publishers Weekly

Sprinkled with case studies throughout, the eBook The Nature Cure A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine provides inspiration and more evidence that natural therapies can and do heal. . . . DIY health readers and fans of natural medicine will find this title scientifically validating and filled with new information.”
—Library Journal

Additional Information

Author: Andreas Michalsen
Year: 2019
Language: English
ISBN 13:
Publisher: Viking
ISBN 10: 0525561277
Pages: 352
File: EPUB
Digital Delivery: Downloadable File


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The Nature Cure A Doctors Guide to the Science of Natural MedicineThe Nature Cure A Doctors Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine
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